yubico key

1. Online Administration
If you want to use a yubico key to log into the Online Administration, sign on as usual. Under “Tools: Change password: yubico key”, you can trigger the key in the field and save it. The same yubico key can only be assigned to one user at the same time.

If you would like to delete the assignement, just leave the input field blank and click on “Save”.

In order to log into the Online Administration with the yubico key, enter your user name and trigger the key in the password field.

2. DormBook

In order to assign a yubico key to a certain DormBook user, trigger it under “Hostel: Options: DormBook users” after a click on the pencil symbol of the user entry in the field next to “Yubico” and save it. The same yubico key can only be assigned to one user.

In order to login into the DormBook, trigger your yubico key in the field “User name” (the key is user name and password at the same time).