DormBook user

The hostel direction can set up a user account for each employee. This allows to track changes (when and by whom). Users can be given various levels of access privileges. Users are defined by going to “Online Administration – Hostel – Options – DormBook users”:

To create a new user, click on “Add entry”. To edit an existing user, click on the pen symbol. To change a user to inactive status (delete), click on the red X sign.

The filter on the upper side allows you to choose which users to view: active or inactive ones.

If you assign at "User group admin" a access level, this user can login with the password used form DormBook into the online administration. To login through the website the password must be at least 9 characters long and contain upper- and lower case characters and numbers.
The user can change his password when starting DormBook. The first time use the password set in the Online Administration, choose “Change password” and insert the new password twice.

The user group defines the access privileges. The hostel direction defines which access privileges are attributed to each user group in “DormBook settings”.