Please just add the token as password. no loginname, no hostelnumber (the system fetchs the hostel number as soon as you click on Configure). Of course it's good to select the correct value for Down payment and last new reservation
Also the screen after a successful setup looks different:
On top you find a button "Login-Page" which opens a new browser tab to login into the myallocator inbox. The login details (if available) can be found and changed below. The button direct-Login does not only open the myallocator inbox, but also includes the login creditals.
Below you see the Change Loginname and Change password fields and buttons to manage the login values used by the api. This values are different to the values on top, as before end of this year, the api should work with the token (as by Dec 31st the api accesss with username/password is deactivated).
So if you find a token in the myallocator inbox, then your welcome to change the Loginname to TOKEN (or leave it empty) and add the token as password.
AirBnB and MyAllocator:
Please read carefully the information from Myallocator on