It is recommended to connect the interface to your own homepage (DormOnline) prior to connecting it to the hihostels interface.
The connection to hihostels is done with the following steps:
If not yet done, register your hostel with hihostels.
Let your contact person at hihostel know that you would like to set-up the connection with Alixon.
Send us at ( a list of all your room categories and codes for the rooms and let us know to which room category they correspond in DormProject.
In the same e-mail, could you provide us with answers to the following questions:
- what % commission does hihostels charge you?
- should the commission appear as an additional charge on the guests' invoice? - which price should be displayed in DormBook (before or after tax, with or without the commission?)
- should the commission be invoiced to you in DormBook? If yes, which mode of payment should be set-up?
- which currency is defined by default in the back office?
We will set-up the connection together with hihostels and contact you should any question arise.
After you receive an e-mail from us, enter in “Online Administration - Online - Online Groups” the Portal/room categories combination that you wish to have for hihostels.