New booking

To create a new booking, select the corresponding area in the booking overview. The system automatically checks that each bed in the booking is available during the whole length of stay, thus preventing errors and saving you the need to individually verify its availability for each day.

To finish, choose on in the contextual menu (right click) between “New reservation” and “New reservation private”. Or you open the dialogue “Edit reservation” by double clicking on the selected beds (not for private reservations).
If the “New reservation private” is selected, the remaining beds in the room booked will be included in the booking as “empty beds”. “Empty beds” can not be booked by any other guest, and they are not tallied in the statistics for availability.

If you have chosen in C: Bed list to have the additional beds visible, the contextual menu offers as third option “New reservation (additional beds)”. If you choose this option, the additional beds you may select will also be included in the booking.

The section Edit booking allows you to change all the booking parameters:
- Gender (by default the one attributed to the room)
- Age category (by default the first one you defined)
- Rate
- Length of stay
- Arrival and departure dates
- Booking status and channel (Internet, etc.)
- Guest