The windows above is displayed when starting the software.
"Starting Application ...(load startup options)" is displayed for a few seconds over the green banner.
At this time also a button "New DB" is displayed to erase the local database and download it again, by pressing simultaneously SHIFT + CTRL while the starting application message is still displayed. There is generally no need to login again.
This dialogue box is not normaly shown. It appears only if the database is not found when the application is turned on.
Please fill in the fields relative to the local installation. The workstation name is user-defined to help you differenciate between the individual terminals (e.g. reception, direction, office etc.).
Fields (workstation name, login, password) do not need to be filled in to test DormBook as DEMO-version; simply click on the corresponding button. This dialogue box is displayed each time Dormbook is started as DEMO-version.