Edit Guest

The edit guest window contains all the saved personal data of the guest.

A Grundinformationen
B Gastdetail
C Zuordnung der Gastkategorien
D Auflistung der Reservationen des Gastes mit Status, Reservationsnummer, Ankunft und Dauer

Background data
Each guest must be defined by at least his/her name (first or last). The hostel management is free to define in the Online Administration additional fields compulsory to define a guest.

Guest data
To open or close access to the additional groups of guests details, click on the upper right arrow. The 2 default data field shown in the program are:
- the address: Salutation, Address, Address line 2, Postal code, Town, Email
- the credit card (CC): type of CC, name on CC, CC number, CC expiry date.
Additional elements (up to 6 fields) can be defined in the Online Administration.

To view or edit credit card details the user needs access rights to do so. These access rights have to be defined by the hostel management in Online Administration. The credit card details will be cancelled 10 days after departure.

If the CC number box is filled, each character is automatically checked to see if it corresponds to a correct credit card number pattern. If this is the case, the credit card number turns green. Keep in mind this check is not absolute but verifies the likelihood of the number to belong to an actual CC.

Organizing guest categories
A guest category can be attributed to each guest by clicking on the right side of the dialogue box. These categories are defined by the hostel in the Online Administration

Booking listing
All the previously saved booking for this guest are shown at the bottom right under the dialogue box (D). A double-click opens directly one of these bookings.