View source code

The source code preview may appear very complicated at first. We hope that the few following key information will render it simpler for you:

General principles

<XX> what is between the smaller as and bigger as symbols begins.
</XX> what is between the smaller as and bigger as symbols and after the /-sign ends here.
Please make sure that all commands have beginning and end markers.

Spaces outside of a <> combination have no influence on the document.

tr Zeile
td Zelle in einer Tabelle
&nbsp; Leerschlag
<br/> Zeilenumbruch
align="right" Der Inhalt dieser Zelle ist rechtsbündig dargestellt.
font size="3" Schriftgrösse
face="Arial" Schriftart
colspan="4" Die Zelle (der Tabelle) wird mit den nächsten 3 Zellen verbunden.
strong Die Schrift ist fett.
border="0" Breite der Tabellenlinien


Below are examples of elements commonly found in tables, with brief explanations.

Describes the beginning of the table. Additional information can be added such as the table borders or the width.
Begins a line (row).
<td><font size="3">Bed</font></td>
The first cell contains the word “Bed” written in font size 3.
<td width="300"><font size="3">room category</font></td>
The second cell contains the “room category”. The cell has a width of 300* and writing is in font size 3.
<td align="right"><font size="3">Rate</font></td>
The 3rd cell contains the “rate”. The text in this cell is justified to the right (→ align="right") still with a font size of 3.
End of line
Beginning of a new line (row)
The grouped variables are inserted in the first cell of this line (at best, just one column should be defined in this row; it is possible to define more columns above and beneath). The vertical dividers | separate between cells.
End of line
End of table

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