
DormBook 7.21.500.10980 (2021-11-23)

bugfix for Mac

DormBook 7.21.500.10978 (2021-11-09)

#8658 update ssl libraries (for windows)

DormBook 7.21.400.10966 (2021-09-30)

Bugfix: Server connection failed on windows versions

DormBook 7.21.300.10965 (2021-09-22)

Bugfix: #8558: under certain circumstances reservations have been deleted unexpectedly
Bugfix: #8506: edit reservation dialog: tooltip for fields in list of beds/persons
#8294 improve for user-lock message

DormBook (2021-07-28)

feature: #8264 subject for e-mails to guests: add arrival date
#7428 DormBook Mac (sign app)
new endpoints for development environment

DormBook (2021-04-27)

Bugfix: #7904 findReservation dialogue: search without activated searchable guest fields
Bugfix: text correction

#7902 DormBook: age-cat price:

two options for price calculation in the Desktop App:

  • prevent automatic price update when age category is changed
  • use prices from default age category when no price for the selected age category is defined
The setting is found in the admin -> Settings -> App Options:

DormBook (2021-03-10)

mac: nicer logo
#7534: fontsize for rooms in large table view
bugfix: #7538: after certain hotkeys (age category) the selection jumped unpredictable

#7566: no price for empty beds
The dialog for the change all prices function has a checkbox to control if prices of empty beds should also be changed.

#7524: searchable guest field
Define a guest fiels in the App Settings which is also searched in the global reservation search. This field is also available in the find reservation dialogue (yellow).
The combined filed (name/first name/eMail) was replaced by 3 single fields (green).

Option to make 2 guest field required for the main guest of all reservation:

Option to define 2 fields to be required for the main guest at Check-in (yellow). The other fielsd are required for all guests (green).

#7582: guest information
The important guest fields (searchable field and required field for main guest) are displayed together with the name and country:

#7536 Select options for guest field
predefine choice for values of guest fields. BWO does use the same definition

DormBook (2021-04-27)

#8658 update ssl libraries (for windows)